Friday, May 28, 2010

my friend Tom and Jim

By god Jim and I were back, along with my other pal Tom.... Sort of back, we were a running away from some white folks that wanted to hang Jim. Us three ran like rats. But the bullets were faster. One of them hit Tom in his right leg. Well I say, we put him down in this area and I ran to go get a doctor. And a I say that Jim was gone when I got back. Well Tom was patched up mighty fine and we was in town ad thats when the troubles started. We were making sure that Jim never become a slave gain. The people wanted to hang Jim, until we showed the Widow gone past away two months ago and in her Will, she left Jim to be a free man. To make sure Jim stayed free, we made this pie and convinced Aunt Sally it's the only cure for Jim for he was cursed by the witch. So Jim gets the witches pie. Us three were going to write on this wooden wall but Tom say's "it wood, it wouln't last." So Jim and I take this stone, and boy it was heavy. We struggled with all our might while Tom watched like a good watcher. He was also a saying that I should grow a flower with my tears and tame a rat or rattle snake. So Tom captures rats and snakes and puts it in the shed. And I tell you what, Aunt Sally was a wreck. When all this troubles worked out like it should, I'd say it was like hot knife through butter, Jim was free and way with his new life, Tom is much more dependable with his new necklace, (the bullet that bit him in the leg), I was set and even though I don't have the 6,000 dollars..... which is no probem, I was set free in a way like Jim, my father died. And I didn't know till Jim told me, and he said that skeloton in that old cabin floatin was my father.

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