Friday, May 28, 2010

my friend Tom and Jim

By god Jim and I were back, along with my other pal Tom.... Sort of back, we were a running away from some white folks that wanted to hang Jim. Us three ran like rats. But the bullets were faster. One of them hit Tom in his right leg. Well I say, we put him down in this area and I ran to go get a doctor. And a I say that Jim was gone when I got back. Well Tom was patched up mighty fine and we was in town ad thats when the troubles started. We were making sure that Jim never become a slave gain. The people wanted to hang Jim, until we showed the Widow gone past away two months ago and in her Will, she left Jim to be a free man. To make sure Jim stayed free, we made this pie and convinced Aunt Sally it's the only cure for Jim for he was cursed by the witch. So Jim gets the witches pie. Us three were going to write on this wooden wall but Tom say's "it wood, it wouln't last." So Jim and I take this stone, and boy it was heavy. We struggled with all our might while Tom watched like a good watcher. He was also a saying that I should grow a flower with my tears and tame a rat or rattle snake. So Tom captures rats and snakes and puts it in the shed. And I tell you what, Aunt Sally was a wreck. When all this troubles worked out like it should, I'd say it was like hot knife through butter, Jim was free and way with his new life, Tom is much more dependable with his new necklace, (the bullet that bit him in the leg), I was set and even though I don't have the 6,000 dollars..... which is no probem, I was set free in a way like Jim, my father died. And I didn't know till Jim told me, and he said that skeloton in that old cabin floatin was my father.

The Family Fude

One night Jim and I were floatin up a river on this old rickety raft. We started to here this swooshing noise and by god a steam boat was cumming our way. By jeeze we both jump into that water and swamm as fast as we could. I swamm as deep as I could to make sure I didn't get fetched in that wheel. I found myself back on top of the water yelling out, "Jim, you there!" But no answer. I swamm a bit before I get up on the shore of the otha side. I stumbled a pone a log cabin and this old tall man pionted out a gun asking me who I was. I thought to myself to not give him my real name. So I gave him a different name. After a few minutes I was welcomed in and they feed me and they changed my clothes with one's of their kids clothes. after the night of sleep, besides the “running for the bible and the note”, the father was telling me about a family feude. “I never herd such thing I say's." Well, the father lets me know whats it's bout and they and another family goes bout killing each other. There was one day were news came and the whip cracked. There daughter of the family left for the other families son. Boy that's what set the spark and the men on both sides started slinging lead every where. Young teenagers and men dying over this craziness. once night fell, I was a wondering out side on evening, an the families nigger lead my to this place filled with cotton mouths. I was just curious. So i walked with him through some swamppy area. But it didn't turn out to by cotton mouths. Boy that nigger slave lead me to Jim. And we were just peas in a pod again.


Well, I say. Out of no where I was caught by the devil. MY father Pap took me for a wicked ride bout three miles down this river up on a skiff, then we a crossed over to the Illinois shore where there was no one but some deer and some squirrels. Pap brought me to this hut, and I mean hut, there wasn't a floor in the damn thing. Well, there wasn't much of a chance running away, Pap had a gun and always kept close to me, and on the other hand, he always locked the door shut. It was scary in that hut. Pap got drunk one night and he'd chase me round the place with a knife! Two months rolled away and my clothes started to get ratty. After fishing and a laying around, I didn't wanta come back to the Widow's place. Well, there came one day of figuriously looking for any tool to get out that hut, I stumbled upon an old rusted wood saw. Boy I was all excited. I waited till Pap was agone. I started cutting this section on the wall. When Pap came close to the cabin, I lay this cloth down over the place I was cuttin, and blew the dust away. Well, that day had come, and I crawled out the small hole I cut. I took the canoe and food supplies along with the gun. I headed down the river for what seemed like hours. Then I see this island, and I explored it a bit. By and by, I see this camp fire that was kicked out and still warm. I heard this noise right behind me and by god. It was Jim! I says, "it's me Jim, Huck!" Jim was on his knees praying like a was some type of ghost.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Widow

Well I says, don't really like living with Widow Douglas. She's trying to make my a civilized boy and a I don't lika one bit. I like adventurous times with friends and id have to say, even by myself too. The old "Widow" we shall call her makes me read the bible and dress up for school. And it's that's the other thing too. It's school that I don't even want ta mess with. Just sitt'n there all day twiddling my thumbs and feet. I just don't like it one bit. But I do it for the Widow I guess. But there's one good thing bout living here is the widow's nigger. His name's Jim and he's mighty good to me and any one that speaks to him. He goes bout the dishes and cleaning the house. Any ways, one night I was in my room and I hear some noise. Well I snuck out the house tracking foot prints with to what looked like a cross in the tracks. I say it's for keeping the devil way from you. Well I was a thinking to my self, with some shivers of course, it's my father. I come a running swiftly like a mouse we should say. I go to my room close the door and saw about my eye's. My father sitting there on the rocker. Old ratty clothes and all. The first words out his mouth was, “where you put that the money Huck?”